The Regulars made another thing together.
- I asked folks who have been hanging with us on Friday mornings each to recommend an entire record — any era, any genre — that they think the Regulars should hear.
- At nearly 45 hours, here they are in the order received:
I have given Scott Laningham naming rights of our playlists.
Father to 8, husband to 1, friend to 100s, drummer with many, longtime IBMer, and regular Regular, Scott died way too soon at 61 in 2021. (Statesman) He posted “Carry On” to YouTube just weeks before his untimely passing:
He played with Christopher Cross, Mitch Watkins, Ephraim Owens, Elias Haslager, and many more — here rockin’ with Alejandro Escovedo:
I guess I never really put it together until he was gone that Scott was probably the coolest guy I knew. And no one was kinder, more welcoming and inquisitive, more open to people and ideas, stories and conversation. The man collaborated like breathing, easy and steady and strong.
One morning on the back deck, I got to introduce him to Hank Alrich, which was a real treat.

I’ll soon share more on Hank Alrich, who joined us again a couple times recently while in town from California. Hank ran the Armadillo World Headquarters after Eddie Wilson. Austin owes them much. (See here for Brad Buchholz’s exceptional 2016 profile of Hank.)
Scott was an ideal Regular. We loved him. Missing him all the while till hopefully we see him again, we will continue to carry on as he beautifully requested.
Thanks for curating and sharing.