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Who is my neighbor?

Why we reconvene at Mozart’s Friday mornings represents a different question than asking what benefits we receive from it. What we get isn’t always what we expect. In addition, each person likely has a different response, which may vary over time. I follow...

We have a problem.

Over the last year, I’ve made at least 150 people watch this Apollo 13 clip. No matter the size of your project or organization, ignore its three admonitions at your peril. 1. Understand your constraint. Whoa, whoa, guys. Power is everything… We gotta turn...

Beauty In Store

“The wilderness is greener than you might imagine.” We can find out, eh. Tonight a few of us will roll to The Continental Club Gallery [map] to catch Beaver Nelson with Troy Campbell reportedly sitting in for a spell. Wanna join us? Come on down....

Play. List.

The Regulars made another thing together. I asked folks who have been hanging with us on Friday mornings each to recommend an entire record — any era, any genre — that they think the Regulars should hear. At nearly 45 hours, here they are in the order...